The news

News in archive
Mauro Bole in America
11/03/2000 - Alpinism
Mauro Bole in America
'Bubu's' quick visit to Colorado
Mauro Bole leashless
23/01/2000 - Alpinism
Mauro Bole leashless
Mauro Bole discards leashes and repeats X-files, M10.

Expo / News

Expo / Products
Practical and strong 30 liter haulbag for climbing and big walls.
La Sportiva Jackal II are trail running shoes dedicated to the world of ULTRA races and long distance training.
Light and flexible hiking shoeit
Highly breathable skyrunning t-shirt
Lightweight Women's Hoody with stretch insulation, quick-dry for intense training.
Light climbing helmet with kevlar reinforcements.
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